The Renaissance International School

Protocols / Notifications FAQ

What is the protocol:

  • When my child is sick?

    As a community reminder, we ask you to please -

    1. Evaluate your child's health before bringing them to school.  
    2. A child who is feeling sluggish should not come to school because they are probably coming down with something.
    3. Consider that whenever a child comes in sick, the teachers and classmates get exposed to whatever the child has. The teachers are struggling to stay healthy and be present in the classrooms. 
    4. If a child has a fever over 100 degrees, the child must stay home fever-free without fever-reducing medication for at least 24 hours.

  • What are the current COVID-related protocols?

    COVID has now achieved the status of ‘normal respiratory illness,’ and as such, the guidelines from the health department have changed.

    For TRIS Students, this means:

    • The 5-day quarantine has been removed
    • Individuals who are COVID-positive but are asymptomatic or have very light symptoms may come to school but should be masked for ten days. The individual may remove their mask sooner than ten days if they have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart. Day 0 is the symptom onset date or positive test date. 
    • Individuals who are COVID-positive and have symptoms should stay at home when they are sick until their symptoms get better (much like the flu, once the person is feeling better, they can return to school), but they should remain masked for ten days following the positive test or the date that symptoms began. The individual may remove their mask sooner than ten days if they have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart. Day 0 is the symptom onset date or positive test date. 
    • If a person has a fever with COVID (or indeed with any illness), they must be fever-free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication) before returning to school. Again they should be masked for the ten days from onset/positive test. 
    • If you or your child test positive for COVID, please notify immediately. 
    • If your child is exposed to COVID in the home or through close contact, your child may still come to school unmasked if they do not have symptoms. However, the teachers should be advised to watch for any symptoms and will test your child if they arise. If positive, the child should be masked. If the child has a fever, they must go home regardless of masking.
    • We will still notify classrooms in the event of an exposure, and you can decide whether or not to send your child with a mask. If you do not send them masked, we will assume that it is not your preference to have them masked. Any positive individual should be masked for 10 days or until they have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart.

    As a community reminder, we ask you to please-  


    • Evaluate your child's health before bringing them to school.  
    • Keep your child home if they are sluggish. They are probably coming down with something.
    • Consider that every time a child comes in sick, the teachers and classmates are exposed to whatever the child has. The teachers are struggling to stay healthy and be present in the classrooms. 

     We thank you in advance for taking as many precautions as possible so our community can stay healthy.

  • If my child is ill

    Who do I notify and how do I notify?

    • Please notify your child's Teacher Team and
    • The most preferred way is to email the two entities above and submit the SchoolCues Absentee Form to notify the administration team. 

  • If my child is going on vacation?

    As mentioned above, please email the Teacher Team and (but preferably not WAY in advance because it will likely fall through the cracks).

  • When my child has a doctor's appointment?

    Please email the Teacher Team (ideally, at least one day in advance) to inform them: 

    • About the pick-up time and 
    • If your child will be absent for the rest of the day or leaving for just a few hours.
  • When my child has to be picked up by someone new?

    Please complete the Permission Form on SchoolCues to notify us if anyone other than you or the adult regularly picking up your child will not be doing so for a particular day. Also, please email the Teacher Team to give them a heads-up. Please inform the new person that we will be checking their ID.  

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